Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Weekend, Poached Eggs, Chicken Vaginas

As promised, here is my finished Illustration for the Post's Spring Weekend Guide:

This afternoon I successfully poached a egg. Delicious. It should be illegal for eggs to be served any other way. For some reason the cooking process takes away the slimy, eggy flavor and make the yolk taste like melted butter. Here are some top tips for egg poaching:
 a. Use about a tablespoon of vinegar in your water (white is best but other varieties will work) the vinegar acts as a coagulant and will keep the white of the egg together.

B. Use a small container to plop the egg into the water. Cracking it into the pan leads to sloppy, cloudy, egg-white-y water. ick.

C. Use a shallow pan instead of a pot. It  allows for more movement with you spatula/spoon, but make sure it is deep enough the water to cover the top of the egg. Also water-wise, plop the egg in when it's just about to simmer, but when there is a minimal amount of bubbles and/or movement in the pan.

Vegan-friends, avert your eyes.
Conclusion: Things that come out of chickens' vaginas are delicious but they are especially delicious when you poach them.
Pictured: Chicken Vagina. ALWAYS ON THE CLOCK.

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