Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'll Go Find A Prom to Take You To OR The Slant of the Wild Wind...Oh Hey Look, I Made A Puppet

Oh hey! I made a Puppet! Its a kisune, or a nine-tailed magic fox courtesy of strange Japanese folklore. I'm thinking of making a small series of paper puppets of Japanese folk monsters. Wish me Luck!

Before I get real art stuff started, I will show you THE GREATEST USE OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE EVER...this:

Ok. Now for real things.

Remember when I said that I'd post all of the puppets I made last semester for my series based on chracters from the Tain? Well, here they are! Better late than never, right?

Queen Medb!


 Donn Cuailnge

Teen Ulster Hero, Cú Chulainn

and here is a picture of the lovely lady who's floor I've been sleeping on for a month. 

Oh....what else? Doug and I applied for a grant a few weeks back to do a puppet show in for the Seattle Center's 50th anniversary of the Seattle World's fair thing, which I'm really excited about. Wish us lots of luck! Working on the script for that one now. 

The thrift stores here in L.A are incredible. Here are just a few of the amazing vintage book cover designs I've encountered since being out here:

Alsoooo, Lauren (lovely lady pictured at the beginning of this post) and I made tostones the other day, mmmmmmmmm...As far as making delicious tostones goes, I like slice up the plantains and soak them in sea salt water with a little lime juice for about 30 to 45 minutes before I fry them. After they come out of the salt-lime bath, I toss them in some paprika, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, and (if you want to give them a little more crunch) some cornmeal. Then you cover the bottom of a skillet in oil (I prefer peanut oil, but veggie oil is good too...about enough to go halfway up the sides of the plantain slices) and fry 'em up! delicious. 

I'm brainstorming a cake that I want to make when I'm up in Maine with Doug and his family. I think its going to be a Lavender Almond cake with honey lavender mascarpone frosting, fresh fig filling and a fresh fig, golden raspberry salad on top. I'll post the recipe when I write it up. For lives in my head. 

I'll leave you with some musics, yes?:

Friday, July 15, 2011



Also, I am puppeteering in my first show tonight. Buy tickets here.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant. It makes me want to set myself on fire.

Sooo, the roadtrip has come to an end and I am out here in L.A. Doug has flown back out to the east coast and I am getting ready to start puppet-making this week. BUT there are still a ton of pictures and stories from the last leg of our trip that I'd like to share. Also, I made an art this weekend. whaddya know!

At Taqueria Cancún with Caroline! 

Why do elephant seals toss sand on themselves? For scientists, there is no clear answer....


Also, you should check this slideshow out because it's amazing:

And this.